Christmas Lottery
Original Post
ToriTV - all you need to know

Note: This post is continuously being updated, so it is recommended if you stop by once in a while..

ToriTV is a multiplexer that allows people to view toribash-matches, i.e. in tournaments. ToriTV connects to the server, and the viewers connect to ToriTV.

Status: Pretty much done, really. I could implement a few more clientside commands, though, so if you have any suggestions, let me know, and ill see what i can do.

ToriTV is availible on: "ToriTV"

Availible Commands:
!help - Gives you a list of availible commands
!online - Shows you who's online (this works on both the server and on toritv)
!1337 - A list of people who gave me Toricredits to get on the list :P

Q: Why use ToriTV instead of just connecting to the server the old way?
A: 3 main reasons:
1. ToriTV connects to the server only once, so that massive amounts of spectators doesn't cause the server to lag.
2. Messages are filtered, so that only people connected to ToriTV can see what the other ToriTV-viewers are saying. This is because most players find it annoying to be spoken to while they're playing.
3. Unregistered users can then see the tournaments.

Q: Fair enhough.. but how do i connect to ToriTV?
A: It is likely that ToriTV will be in the serverlist of the next version of Toribash, so you connect using Toribash, as if it was a regular server.

Q: How to i choose what i want to watch?
A: You can't. What's on ToriTV is whatever is going on on the server ToriTV is connected to. This might be improved

Q: Where do babies come from?"
A: The stork delivers them

Q: Do i ned to download something to use ToriTV?
A: Nope. depending on wether it is included in the serverlist for the next toribash-release or not, you might have to add another server. If that happends, ill post instructions on how to do it.

Q: Will matches seen on ToriTV be saveable? or will they go in the autosave directory automatically? or not at all?
A: They are autosaved as if you were spectating a match the old fasion way.

Q: Are you a dev now?
A: Part-time, yes.

Features that might be added later:
1. Admin commands
2. IRC integration
3. Users being able to connect to ToriTV once, then select between all the servers what they'd like to see.
4. Statistics with "most viewed" and "Most active viewer" etc
5. HTTP integration

For any other questions, post them below, and ill answer the best i can. Feedback and suggestions are welcomed

Originally Posted by jarmund View Post
Q: "Where do babies come from?"
A: The stork delivers them

This is awesome but you went too far off subject.
Originally Posted by Pfargtl View Post
you went too far off subject.

not really.. someone actually asked me that on IRC yesterday when i was explaining ToriTV O.o
Last edited by Jarmund; Jul 7, 2007 at 06:27 PM.
Originally Posted by jarmund View Post
not really.. someone actually asked me that on IRC yesterday when i was explaining ToriTV O.o

so you decide to poison there minds with lies? Storks don't do it, it's... [CENSORED]
Last edited by Pfargtl; Jul 7, 2007 at 06:30 PM.
Lie, i have proof its the stork, i saw him steelz mah bebi because it was at the wrong house D:<
