Original Post
[SALE] Huge Inventory Sale
I want to sell so many items as I can.

SuperNova Relax and Quick Silver force are not for sale

If you want to buy something, just make me an offer. No PMs


By The Way, I want to change my SuperNova Relax For Your SuperNova Force - PM me if you want to change it
||Donate me ^^|| Proud member of [Addicted]||10th DAN||Buy TC here!
Legal bump

User infracted. Illegal bump!

LoL, it is legal ;] - Dark H.
Last edited by DarkHunt; Mar 1, 2009 at 08:13 PM.
||Donate me ^^|| Proud member of [Addicted]||10th DAN||Buy TC here!
SaiC - minimum 5.5 k - you won't find better deal

darkpatty...I gave you the link... but no,i don't have these items. I have send radioactive force to clan mate today as a gift
||Donate me ^^|| Proud member of [Addicted]||10th DAN||Buy TC here!
hmm...45 and deal ,ok?

Edit : sorry, i rode "adamntim" :P

so in in amethyst I don't have force , and it is worth 60

Sorry again :P


Another mistake - I have force, but i don't have relax:P

so full amethyst without relax 56 k,ok?
Last edited by DarkHunt; Mar 1, 2009 at 08:57 PM.
||Donate me ^^|| Proud member of [Addicted]||10th DAN||Buy TC here!