Original Post
[auction]B-boy set :D

wow i get tired of my sets fast...
starting bid: 20k
min raise : 5k
Autobuy: 100k
Hi it's Praeter
30k :O and a tyrian relax or full tyrian without force :O i want this set so much but have no money to buy (request and comp).i want it cuz i like to have two sets and sometimes wear first one and sometimes second one
I'm [Addicted]
for first aw work.. iam a big big fan of your art!

to be fair i count XmiechoX items as
tyrian relax 10k
full titan without force 20k
he bid 30k TC = 60k

so i bid 70k
Last edited by soulon; Mar 1, 2009 at 03:32 PM.
I want my textures BACK AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
f**ck !!! i'll autobuy when i'll sell my elf pack !!!if you will safe this set for me,i will pay you 120k.
I'm [Addicted]
I met Murdastick ingame yesterday. He asked me to make him a B-boy set, so wait and see if he shows up here, Mrama. Nice set, as always.
bid 140k i have the tc chash so no waitingtime

but please including the orginal psd with all layers... (want to do colorchange and try learn from your psd)
Last edited by soulon; Mar 1, 2009 at 03:57 PM.
I want my textures BACK AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!