Original Post
Plane mod!!
My first mod! hope you like it
I think it's good..
if you don't, make a better one or shut up :P

if anyone knows how to change the color of the red spheres of broken-off body parts, please tell me.

Don't download it anymore, when you try to run it the game crashes. probably cuz this one is for an older version. if anybody can edit it to work for 3.1, please email it to me.
Attached Files
Tim&NickPlaneMod.tbm (1.5 KB, 77 views)
Last edited by Master2112; Feb 5, 2008 at 07:31 PM. Reason: Doesn't work anymore :(
... what exactly can youn do with this? or is it just simply that tori and uke are shaped like planes?

again... just off, topic, what is a joust? i've seen ita few times here, and i've wandered wht it means
this mod looks cool, and joust is when two players are pushed towards eachother and then make contact in the middle.
when will there be air friction?