Original Post
[SALE] Items Sale - Cheap and Quick
I am currently selling these Items:

Camo Blood
Camo Force - SOLD
Camo Relax - SOLD
Camo Torso - SOLD

Hydra Torso
Hydra User Text
Hydra Force-SOLD
Hydra Relax-SOLD
Hydra Blood-SOLD

Tyrian Force- SOLD
Tyrian Relax - SOLD
Tyrian Blood
Tyrian Left Hand Motion Trail
Tyrian Left Leg Motion Trail
Tyrian Right Hand Motion Trail
Tyrian Right Leg Motion Trail

Name your price, you may buy single items or as a color set.
New items will be added as soon as i get more.

Coming soon... (possibly)

Last edited by Carlton; Mar 21, 2009 at 06:22 AM.
◕ ◡ ◕ [VIP]
Yo carlton.were any of the offers i pm ed you earlyer any good.if they were. Id like 2 buy them.but not at this moment cuz im on my crap fone. And im going to sleep .
oh..I see u edited ur post...The previous one confused me. WEll Thanx.
Magnetite Blood 12k?
Last edited by Chuk; Mar 18, 2009 at 12:42 PM. Reason: Adding crap
ummm... i don't have that. and no i don't want to buy it from you...

plus an update:

i may be adding some promos or free item bonuses soon, check back often.
◕ ◡ ◕ [VIP]
Oh sry...I was looking at tyrian and i thought it was Magnetite CUZ u made it purple. I wasnt trying to sell anything