Original Post
This is Clan-
Tryouts!(Dates Listed Below)
My Time Zone Is: GMT -6
If you have a problem with this time/date post it here or give me a PM(I prefer PM's)
The leader of Acid is: him3 (4th Dan Black Belt)
Acid Social Group found here ->


Must be at least Green Belt +(Unless You Can Prove Me Otherwise.)

No BlackMailing.

No Flaming.

No Account Trading.

Please No Excessive Caps In Clan Tryouts + Clan Tourneys, etc.

No Recruiting unless you are Seargent And UP

No Double Clanning Or You Are Automatically Kicked.

After Recruiting Someone You Need To Post Here Saying That You Recruited Them, Here Is That Form-

My Name:
Their Name:
Their Belt:

Failure To Use This Form Means That They Are Not Yet An Official Member.


To Reach 7+ members.(REACHED!)


Clan - $Bank$

How Clan Bank Works: The Clan Bank Is Only Used For Saving Up For Officialty, and Items For Whole Clan.

To Donate To The Clan Here Is What You Do:
  1. Go To This Link: (for items) or (to send tc)
  2. In the "Member Name" Box Put AcidBank
  3. "In The Amount To Send" Box Is Where You Put How Much You're Donating.
  4. That's It You Just Donated To AcidBank!

Current Members Will Be Shown Below:

-[Acid-Ldr]him3[OFFICIAL LEADER]


[Acid-Ltn]Jetsnix(and GFX)




[Acid](Regular Member)

[Acid-Ltn]Jetsnix(he is lieutennant but also GFX)

Below Are All the Rankings in Clan ~Acid~ (And Ingame Tags)

All Ranks Above Quadron are allowed to Recruit. (please read rules of recruiting)

[Acid-Ldr]Leader- him3

[AcidCLdr]Co-Leader- badbrad, CheZMaster

[Acid-Ltn]Lieutennant- Jetsnix(And GFX)

[Acid-Sgt]Seargent- darkcamzy9

[Acid-Qua]Quadron- Ronmo, Richyboy ,

[Acid-Cor]Corporal- Sup3rGun

[Acid-GFX]GFX- XinTek, Wildslash , and Jetsnix

[Acid]Member-(Everyone on 2 list's above who are not listed here)


Best Mod(s):
Time Zone:
Why you would like to join(not required):

Clan Story:

Once upon a time, 2 Acidians met in the ingame play and decided to make a sacred clan using Acid Stones. Before their Acidian eyes appeared the Acid stone, buried 3 feet deep. Later 2 elves dug where there senses told them, and their lay the Acid stone and they decided to make a clan called, ACID!


The Rage;heat



If we Don't destroy you
We will get you when you least expect it
Last edited by him3; Jun 17, 2010 at 01:06 AM. Reason: Updates!