Ingame Name-Valeeee.
Belt-Blue Belt (2 Dan). ~You mean black belt?
How long you have been playing-Over 1 year.
Your Age-14.
Timezone and country-Argentina.
Your Best mode-Instagibfeet. ~Are your moves good for wushu too?
Received any infractions/suspensions on the forum(state why/how long if yes)-Only One day because i said f**k you to one of the co laders from Torigod. As long as you don't do it here ;)
Previous clans (if any)- Yes, Vortex , Platinum And Torigod.~Cool...why did you leave each one? (Other than torigod)
Do you have a sense of humor?
personality-Yes But sometimes iget lost whith the inglish
Opinion on Furries(why?)- ¿?
Pie or cake?- Pie
æ? /b/? etc?- ¿? (again)
The internet is a serious business?- Yes its a serious business....... no it is
Why you want to join(put some effort into this)-Beacuse you put a lot of questions that make more intresting the cuetionarie (?) And a bird told me that it is a good clan (like everybody saids qhen they ask " Why you want to join?")sorry.And because I didn t have a good clan in my hold life~I thought torigod was decent... :>
Pd:Sorry if put a lot of red.
Ingame Name-Valeeee.
Belt-Blue Belt (2 Dan).
How long you have been playing-Over 1 year.
Your Age-14.
Timezone and country-Argentina.
Your Best mode-Instagibfeet.
Received any infractions/suspensions on the forum(state why/how long if yes)-Only One day because i said f**k you to one of the co laders from Torigod.
Previous clans (if any)- Yes, Vortex , Platinum And Torigod.
Do you have a sense of humor?
personality-Yes But sometimes iget lost whith the inglish
Opinion on Furries(why?)- ¿?
Pie or cake?- Pie
æ? /b/? etc?- ¿? (again)
The internet is a serious business?- Yes its a serious business....... no it is
Why you want to join(put some effort into this)-Beacuse you put a lot of questions that make more intresting the cuetionarie (?) And a bird told me that it is a good clan (like everybody saids qhen they ask " Why you want to join?")sorry.And because I didn t have a good clan in my hold life
Pd:Sorry if put a lot of red.