Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Well, who needs a key?
First: Special thx to BlackNecro, he sponsored us some keys. On this:

which DAT-member still need a key? I got 5 of them now. The first 3 who post here will get the first 3 of those 5 keys. I think the other 2 will be given away in a DAT-unregedplayertournament(for datmembers only)

Edit: Well we got 7 keys now, i think there are enough for everyone now
Last edited by 0815Rocker; Aug 5, 2007 at 01:59 PM.
It has to start somewhere. It has to start somehow. What better place than here. What better time than now

wah-wah chicka wah-wah chicka-chicka-chicka
ummmm... im a new super sekrit weapon in the DAT clan that only a few ppl know about... ill ake that other key off of you
I wonder why we dont belive you............... hmmmmmmmm......... i wonder...................

btw could you put one on hold for my cousin he would like too be tested for the clan but he's away on holiday for the next two weeks, his ingame name is suicidal stick.
that would be nice
Last edited by stickman; Aug 5, 2007 at 08:38 PM.
Reg Key
good player must have keys or create DAT member competition for non regs...

Add me im a new member too..


Blacknecro Rock!!!!!
Last edited by RicH; Aug 21, 2007 at 02:09 PM.
shiva updated the list but my name is not on the master list also rich, rabidclone, twistshock . why?
pls. post our name in the master list of DAT clan.

Even if I'm not in the clan please only give keys to DAT members only and not an noob k,
Proud leader of [TANG]
Old Schooler