Hey community. This thread is going to, at least temporarily, act as a basis for community-staff interaction with regards to various clan related issues. Right now, that issue, as we all know, is the clan activity checks.
The main complaints I've observed from the community so far are the following:
Game isn't exactly popping right now, why put that pressure on clans?
We've invested so much time into this game, why are you punishing us?
Use rewards, not punishments to encourage activity.
Initially the requirements for activity were very high, now they're far more realistic but it requires fleshing out.
The system punished larger clans because of activity relative to full member count.
If I've missed something, let me know. But the gist of it is, I agree.
I ran a test check (doesn't count towards anything) that checked the last 2 months and 4 clans got a warning, no clans failed. While it's definitely a good thing that clans are passing, there needs to be a balance both staff and community are happy with. Not trying to please everyone, but there are definitely steps that can be taken.
The system was harsh and felt like it expected clans to save toribash by cracking a whip. I believe the intentions were good when the system was made but there were a couple of things that made it go over badly. A big part of it, I believe, was that it was a total surprise for the majority of the community.
Automation and stuff was a staff goal for a looooong time, so we all had a long time to get used to the ideas as they were introduced one at a time, but the community got it all at once and it was too much difference at one time.
The aim of this thread is to maybe avoid that problem.
By the way, I'm ignoring any activity strikes that clans currently have. Let's start fresh and see where we are from here onwards.
NOTE: As of July 18, 2024, we will no longer perform activity checks. Official clans will continue to exist, and unofficial clans will still be able to apply for official status. Official clans will be made unofficial due to merges or low membership (having <3 members).
We will proceed with this policy change indefinitely (unless there is an unforeseen resurgence in clan/game activity.)
The current criteria:
- Below 25 points - they get slaughtered (instantly, no strikes given)
- 25 - 50 points - they receive a strike (or get slaughtered in case of current strike being the third one)
- 50+ points - they pass the check
- 55+ points - any points past this point translate to points that can be spent on perks
Originally Posted by sir
Technically it was never announced that they get any rewards for passing checks with high activity points, but I gave 5k / 10k bonus points when I had to run checks while duck was away. Wasn't done with December check as I was away.
The system
currently awards points for ingame matches and using its board.
Below is a spoiler containing how the activity points are calculated and what affects it. This has been tweaked so much since its inception, so a priority for me is getting this formula sorted so that we can progress with the other stuff. The stuff that makes clans properly fun again.
Total activity points is determined as a sum of four (somewhat) separate values - points given for XP, wars, ingame and forum activity within a time period (one month).
XP activity points are capped at 10 points max and are calculated as xpEarned / 100
5 ingame matches a month counts a player as active.
Wars points are capped at 15 pts max, calculated as warsPlayed / 7 * 15 . War outcome doesn't matter, 7 lost wars give just as many points as 7 won wars.
Forum activity is calculated as postCount / 2 and is normally capped at 25 pts. However, if a clan had over 200 posts in their board within a month, they get 30 points.
Members activity depends on more conditions and would be different for clans of different size.
Initially, system checks whether total number of active clan members exceeds 15 or half of total number of clan members - in that case a clan gets 45 points and no further calculations are done.
If first check's conditions aren't met, preliminary points result is calculated as activeMembersPercentage * 0.9 .
After that, we adapt points value to make sure clan gets 5 points of activity per first 5 active players - if a clan has 5 or more active players then we make sure it gets at least 25 points, for clans with less players activity points are calculated as activeMembers * 5 .
Proposed new system:
0-24 points = fail - gain a strike
25-30 points = we'll let your clan know it was close to the mark but it doesn't work against you or anything, it's purely for your own benefit
40+ points = start gaining perk points to be spent
These values would be subject to change later once there are more ways you can earn points.
Having a clan be instantly killed for shitting up 1 activity check is too unforgiving imo. There are always luls in activity due to school, or just general life getting in the way.
The 25-30 area functionally means nothing for us, it's just that we want clans to stand the best chance of being able to do something about their waning activity. In addition to this, we have made it so that you can give permissions in your toriclan ranks that allow members to perform their own activity checks:
During this system checks would be performed every 2 months, and failing any 2 checks within a 6 month period would result in either having your clan killed, de-officialed or you can appeal the decision (more deets later).
What this means in an example format is:
strike, pass, strike = death/appeal/de-official
strike, strike = death/appeal/de-official
strike, pass, pass = all good
In any given 3 check period, your clan must pass 2 of them. Simple, easier to keep track of and ultimately gives you a good chance of fixing it if proactive.
Currently clans with less than 5 members have their activity points penalised, based on the part that evens it out for larger clans. I'd like to increase that number to 7 as 5 seems low to me.
Any member that plays 5+ games in a month is considered active. I would like to explore a way of rewarding further ingame activity without potentially damaging the less ingame active clans.
Currently the system does not take into account two things that I consider important.
Events and Singleplayer.
Currently we do not have clan events aside from Clan League. If all goes to plan, that may change but right now there are other things to work on. I would like whatever system we end up with to have the option for those kinds of things to be taken into account. I mention it here for transparency but it's so reliant on so many things going right that it's definitely not a thing for a while.
Gaining extra activity points for participating in Event Squad stuff ingame would be a big plus, and something we plan on adding.
Single player is the big one that none of us have really been able to figure out, but it's a priority imo. Single player clans have always been a very specialist area, and under the new system just don't make it, which is a real fuckin shame.
The issue we have is as follows:
We want to find a way to automate it, but looking at uploaded replays and counting them leads to an unmoderated mess. As I understand it, it would be easily abuse-able. Upload 500 frames of neck wobbling a couple times and call it active. This is obviously not that way we'd want it to work, and we couldn't figure out a way to make a robot be able to tell if a replay has had effort put into it, particularly given differing skill levels.
On the flip side, CS going through every clan looking for replays. Then going through the replays board, looking for all new replays and seeing if they're in an official clan clearly isn't viable either. As much as people say "CS don't have a lot of work, just let them do the thing" it's definitely not a long term solution. I can guarantee you that based on my own experiences leading a team. Things that require long term man power in that fashion just don't hold up.
If we can find a temporary solution that requires a lil bit of manpower then that's a different story, but it's not long term. But it is better than nothing.
This is honestly the big one that I want to know your thoughts on. In the months that this clan check system has been in place I've not been able to come up with a solution, and neither has anyone else I've spoken to lately.
A potential way to do it that we're looking into is looking for posts in the replays (and mods) board and check for uploads to the db. Then the local mods can delete super low effort replays/mods/bullshit uploads to prevent it adding onto clan activity.
There is potential for this to then be applied to the art board, but it's much more tricky given that the art board uses [img] tags instead of db stuff.
This is just a thought at the minute, sir tells me it's more difficult than it sounds but we'll see what we can do.
Inactive Ranks:
I know a lot of people have been calling for them, but functionally they serve no purpose with the way the check is done. If anything it would end up hurting your clan because it excludes them from the check, so if they happen to pop by for a couple matches, it won't end up counting.
If they were added back it'd either be damaging or purely aesthetic so there's not really a point.
Perks and Rewards:
So perks and whatever have been slowly being added during all of this.
Here's a copy of the perk shop post.
Here's a list of currently available customizations with short descriptions:
- Custom "Leaders" name in clan page
Purchasing this would replace the default "Leaders" string in your clan page to a name of your choice.
- Custom "Clan Roster" name in clan page
Similar to "Leaders" name customization, allows to set up your own name for "Clan Roster" string.
- Custom clan achievement
Allows you to purchase a custom achievement that only your clan would hold.
- Display clan logo in members' posts
Enables clan's logo display in posts made by your clan members.
* Requires clan logo to be uploaded and enabled in clan admin.
Here's how it would look ►
- Custom usertitle for clan members
Allows you to set up either a text usertitle (costs cheaper) with a custom color and font decorations (bold/italics/underline) or an image usertitle (more expensive) for all your clan members who don't have a custom-set usertitle yet.
- Custom clan page color
This one is self-explanatory, you can now get a custom color for your clan page if you dislike the default bland grey.
- OFFICIAL CLANS ONLY - Private clan board
In addition to the classic way of acquiring a private board, you can now also exchange your perk points to get it!
In addition to this, we hope to look into the following:
A static official clan server - I believe this would give clans a place ingame to go and chill. Would hopefully encourage ingame activity in a nice fun way? Don't know how hard it would be to set it up so clan members get half op in that server automatically or something? Otherwise, it might be possible with just ownerpass stuff. We're going to pass it on to Dranix and see what he says. I envisage it working alongside checks, where you'd spend perk points to open a server and then it'd continue to cost points to keep it. Doing this obviously requires balancing so that keeping it is maintainable with good activity.
Forum customisation - custom thread tags, custom new thread button, coloured toriclan background. General nice little customisation tweaks to make clan forums feel a bit more homey.
Not strictly a perk but we're hoping to take a look at how clan ranks work - current system despite a logical basis is too reliant on a long term roster but people change and make new clans a lot. So we'd like to take a little look at that.
Recruitment banners - ability to short term rent banner space at the top of the forum and on the ingame dashboard to advertise recruitment. This would be open to unofficial clans too. We believe this would get clans more integrated into all aspects of the game, bridging some gaps and hopefully giving clans more tools to survive.
We're definitely taking more suggestion of perks. Things for you toriclan, your forum, ingame stuff (although I want to keep ingame aesthetic change to a minimum).
The portion above dealt with the over arching system, this paragraph below deals with the specifics required to pass new checks.
So the criteria as it stands allows you to gain 30 points maximum for forum posting, if you post 200 times a month. 25 points for 50 posts.
Putting the cap at 30 means that VERY active forum clans will retain their board because they're actively using it, and then playing ingame a bit will tip it over the top if needed.
It doesn't feel like it's forcing anyone to do anything, if you use the things that are in place then it's all good.
This means that SUPER active forum clans can pass on their forum activity alone, however we want to encourage ingame activity as much as possible, and so want to make it easier to pass with ingame activity.
This balance will take a little time achieve, i might do more frequent checks to see how clans are doing over the next 2 months. (these will be for my own benefit, dw)
This system then also relies on other things adding activity points such as etourneys and ranked matches, and in the future other es events, and potentially clan events.
We hope to do a lot of stuff relating points with events in the future like gaining activity points for participating in ES events, both ingame and forum.
There are automatic replay quests on the horizon ingame, those would also count.
We would also like to incentivise and encourage clans (particularly established official clans) to host their own events, rewarding them with significant activity points
We can then edit the numbers later pretty easily as and when these things are introduced to reflect the increased ability to gain points. The public would be made aware of these updates, most likely, in this thread.
Read as: a subscription to this thread down the line probably wouldn't go a miss!
Originally Posted by sir
[LIST][*]Give more activity points for clan XP earnings + give XP for more activities such as:- Winning ES events
- Participating in automated ES events (would allow SP players to contribute towards activity)
A portion of people in the various threads called out for "a human touch", and I also agree that there should be some degree of human review. As such, I would like to implement an appeal system as a last ditch attempt for you to save you clan.
If the checks showed that it was pretty close, or your clan feels that it deserves another chance then you can appeal. This can only happen once a 2nd activity strike is given.
Your clan gets its second strike within 3 checks, and then the leadership can appeal.
This would be in the form of a pm (I imagine) that compiles all the reasons that the clan believes it should deserve a 2nd chance. It gives you a real chance to rally on your own terms, and I'm hoping it would give a lot of members a reason to remember why they fell in love with toribash in the first place. Maybe I'm being naive, but I like to think it's possible for everyone here to remember why they started playing in the first place.
I know I still go through phases like that.
CS, SMods and Admin+ would then weigh in on whether that clan deserves another chance.
The clan is left alive and given immunity from the next check. However it is then put on a one strike system for a while. Let's say it has to pass the next 3 checks(?) without issue.
The clan can either de-official itself and work its way back to glory, or choose to call it quits and die.
p.s cheers for taking the time to read this, please make sure you do read it fully. I know it's quite dense but we've been working quite hard over the past few days to get this into a public-ready state asap, so please do read it thoroughly.
p.p.s thank you to Hagan for the art on short notice and thank you to CS for being welcoming. They could easily have been like nah fuck off but they've responded really well and all seem eager to do some good.
Last edited by Moonshake; Jul 18, 2024 at 08:26 PM.