WHAT already ;c
sorry i fail
take this
my name in discord is : Shawn#4228
My presentation
My name is Shawn,I'm 15 years old.i live in France (im french not english and im very bad in english)im a tricker in real life
Why i want to join Pyramid
I want to join Pyramid because this clan is very very cool and the leader is actif also the player and I want you to practice aikido with my level zero finally I am a strong fort: 3 and also I want to amuse and play with you
that's why I want to join
In game
i play for about 1 years and it's my favorite game.im very strong in boxshu (20 streaks)and i want upgrade,im very strong in randoms mods ex:Tenis,Basketball,skate,etc..and in the bets randoms mods people bet for me this day I won 60K)and im a parkourer,sparer.
i am very very very active on the forums.I often come to the market to see the offers
(Im very very sorry for this horrible english)
Last edited by deviltown; Feb 22, 2019 at 09:39 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump