Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Aikido Smackdown

[AS]All Stars

Aikido Smackdown!

Hello and welcome to Aikido Smackdown, a double elimination Aikido based event, made for the whole community to participate and to have fun!
The main idea of the event is that every round of the bracket will be on a different aikido based mod!
Keep in mind some rounds might repeat mods from previous ones. We will be announcing the mods for each round as the time comes.
There is gonna be no entry fee for the event, meaning anyone that wants to tryout can simply fill out the application below, post it here as a reply and will be in!

-> No changes to the game rules of the specified mod are allowed, unless specifically said to do so!
-> All the matches during the event are gonna be "First to 5" (Best of 9)!
-> If you ping during the 1st frame of the match, the point doesn't count for your opponent, but if it has passed already, then you are out of luck and they get a point!
-> If a "draw" occurs, no one gets a point!
-> You are NOT allowed to sign up with more than 1 account for the event!
-> After finishing your matches, MAKE SURE you post here with the final score and have the replays uploaded too! (We suggest having Autosave on!)

So you want to join in the event?
There is no limit on how many players can sign up!
Fill out the format below and post it as a reply.

In-Game Name:
- I accept and will follow all rules!

Applications are closed!

1st Place: 650k TC

2nd Place: 330k TC

3rd Place: 120k TC

Discord Server
Invite link
Its important everyone who sign ups for the event to join it, because we are gonna have a special Channel on the server for the event, where participants can schedule their matches!
Also please make sure you have your name on the discord server the same as your in-game name!

If anyone feels like donating to the prize pool, send the TC/Items to Trestet and he will add them to the event!


Winners Bracket:
1st Round: 25th of November 2020
Mod: Aikido.tbm

2nd Round: 5th of December 2020
Mod: Greykido.tbm

3rd Round: 12th of December 2020
Mod: Pfy_qukido_wip04.tbm

4th Round: 22nd of December 2020
Mod: AikidoBigDojo.tbm

5th Round: 31st of December 2020
Mod: Greykido.tbm

Losers Bracket:
1st Round: 5th of December 2020
Mod: Greykido.tbm

2nd Round: 12th of December 2020
Mod: Pfy_qukido_wip04.tbm

3rd Round: 17th of December 2020
Mod: Pfy_qukido_wip04.tbm

4th Round: 20th of December 2020
Mod: AikidoBigDojo.tbm

5th Round: 24th of December 2020
Mod: AikidoBigDojo.tbm

6th Round: 27th of December 2020
Mod: Greykido.tbm

7th Round: 29th of December 2020
Mod: Greykido.tbm
Last edited by Trestet; Dec 30, 2020 at 11:15 AM.
In-Game name: Jojo
I agree and follow all rules.
Alright boys, I’ve entered and it’s clear you all don’t stand a chance to surrender now and accept defeat because I AM THE BEST TORIBASH PLAYER ALIVE
In-Game Name: Fire
- I accept and will follow all rules!

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
In-Game Name: Mafi
- I accept and will follow all rules!
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.