Original Post
Ahoy hoy :D
Just thought I would pop in and say "Hai" and see how you guys are going.

So Hai, hows it going?

PS: Also Nobuddie, get on msn when you read this I need to talk to you about something important ;)
Mattsmatt said that TN and another guy hacked him.

WHO R U TESTES? Oh right , my buddeh =D
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.
We never actually hacked matt he said he was leaving tb and gave me and HuhJosh123 his account then changed his pass and said we hacked him >.>
That's what he wants >.>
Why would he post here if he didnt?
Give me a demon force and you're in =D
Jks =P
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.
See we is nice people

but how did stiff die? and as for matty boy
dat muthafuka has a bounty of 1000 gold peices on his head so every bounty hunter in the land is gonna hack and slash on his ass bitch
