Original Post
BORK wants to Yiff badly!
Bork says (2:40 PM):
Sorry about last night.
I was totally out of line.
Marco Antonio II says (2:40 PM):
Stop doing LSD
Bork says (2:40 PM):
..Just I have been thinking about you for the last while.
And I thought it'd be better if I told you
Bork says (2:41 PM):
... I thought you feel the same way about me.
So, Friends?
Marco Antonio II says (2:41 PM):
Bork says (2:42 PM):
Oh come on... It was a mistake, Please?
Cant we just go back to what we used to be like?
PAnicing when Jim went offline when he said he was suiciding
Marco Antonio II says (2:42 PM):
Dude you are so retarded...
Bork says (2:43 PM):
Please Marco? I just want to forget the whole thing, I hate being rejected...
Bork says (2:45 PM):
Marco Antonio II says (2:46 PM):
Bork says (2:46 PM):
Oh, don't do that...
Marco Antonio II says (2:46 PM):
Already did Bork
Is to late to see behind
Bork says (2:47 PM):
But I <3 you sooo much
Bork says (2:49 PM):
Eh, ok. atleast everyone will know that I'm utterly in love with you, and I won't have to deal with them anymore.
It's only you and me now...
Marco Antonio II says (2:50 PM):
Is not that simple
Bork says (2:50 PM):
It really is...
Marco Antonio II says (2:50 PM):
I posted your convos with Jim too
Bork says (2:50 PM):
Everyone will be like: "Ok,
Bork says (2:51 PM):
Actually... That works out ok. Because I won't have to deal with Jim's yiffyness anymore
It'll just be you and me, Jim's not in the picture.
How goes the thread?
Bork says (2:52 PM):
Are people loving that I'm taken?
Marco Antonio II says (2:52 PM):
They are mostly disgusted
Bork says (2:52 PM):
Also, do you want to get together tonight for something?
Marco Antonio II says (2:52 PM):
Originally Posted by Bork View Post
Successful Troll was Successful.

Originally Posted by CosbyCube View Post
Marco Antonio II says:
Also I like HTF does that make me a furry?

Bork says (2:52 PM):
I'd love to yiff with you for the first time...
It'll be great!
Are you uke or Seme?
Marco Antonio II says (2:52 PM):
Bork says (2:53 PM):
Do you take it up the ass? or do you Give it.
Marco Antonio II says (2:53 PM):
Bork how many times I need to tell you?
I am not gay
Bork says (2:53 PM):
Tell me what?
Marco Antonio II says (2:53 PM):
I am not a furfag
Or Bi
Bork says (2:53 PM):
I'm sure your Bi.
Marco Antonio II says (2:53 PM):
Bork says (2:53 PM):
I know your a furry, I've seen your deviant
Marco Antonio II says (2:54 PM):
My DA is banned
You can't see anything now
Bork says (2:54 PM):
I know, because you had too much porn...
I saw it before.
Marco Antonio II says (2:54 PM):
Also just because I like HTF doesn't make me a furry
Bork says (2:54 PM):
Jim lol'd when he saw it.
Marco Antonio II says (2:54 PM):
Bork says (2:54 PM):
It really does.
Bork says (2:55 PM):
All the HTF Fandom turns into Furryness
Just once. We don't have to tell Jim.
Bork says (2:56 PM):
I'm not taking no for an answer
Marco Antonio II says (2:56 PM):
Bork says (2:56 PM):
You'll break sometime...
Marco Antonio II says (2:56 PM):
Bork says (2:56 PM):
Marco Antonio II says (2:56 PM):
I am stronger than you
I have my girl already
You can't make me break up with her
Bork says (2:56 PM):
Do it. You know you want to. Join Jim, and Tom, and I
I won't
We wont tell her either
Marco Antonio II says (2:57 PM):
I am not a fag
And she knows about this already
Bork says (2:57 PM):
You don't have to be gay.
Just BiSexual
It's nothing really. But it gives you double chances.
Marco Antonio II says (2:57 PM):
Marco Antonio II says (2:58 PM):
I am straight
Bork says (2:58 PM):
Just keep telling yourself that.
It's not changing the fact that you really want it.
Marco Antonio II says (2:58 PM):
You are using mental games
Bork says (2:59 PM):
Mental Games? I would never do that to you, I love you too much...
Marco Antonio II says (2:59 PM):
They won't work on me Bork
I am not a fag or Bi
Bork says (2:59 PM):
What Games? You know yourself you want it
Marco Antonio II says (2:59 PM):
You are acting so pathetic right now Bork
Bork says (2:59 PM):
See, now you're trying to insult me, taking the facts, and ignoring them...
Please Marco...
Marco Antonio II says (3:00 PM):
Bork says (3:00 PM):
Yes, you want it.
Do it for the gay side of you. The domient side.
Bork says (3:01 PM):
The side that makes you want me, and Jim and Tom...
Marco Antonio II says (3:01 PM):
Is interesting to see you trying again and again, I DETECT A GODDANM TROLL IN THE CHAT ROOM
Bork says (3:01 PM):
I already told you, I'm too in love with you to troll.
Bork says (3:02 PM):
There's no one watching.
There's no one here except you and I, no one will know unless you tell them.
Marco Antonio II says (3:02 PM):
Already told this to a lot of people
Bork says (3:03 PM):
Just tell them I stopped
Who is alot of people?
Marco Antonio II says (3:03 PM):
You'll never know
Bork says (3:04 PM):
Oh, I'll 'Squezze' the info out.
If you want it...
Bork says (3:05 PM):
So what do you say?
You know you want it.
Even though you tell me not too
Bork says (3:06 PM):
Come on Marco...
Bork just sent you a nudge.
Bork says (3:09 PM):
Nice job on posting
Just wait fgt