Original Post
[DIAF House]Ashkick House[AK]
This is the AshKick house.

Current Status: Renewed yet again and i need of more members


1.) Be active in game and on forums.
2.) Treat Clan members and fellow toribash players with respect at all times.
3.) Don't go getting yourself banned all the time and just generally being annoying on the forum.
4.) Keep up a good reputation in the clan.


Ok if you want to join AshKick just fill out the application form below.

Also before applying check at the top to see if AshKick is open to new members.

Your current Belt/QI:
Your GMT and Activity times:
Your DIAF rank e.g. SF:
Why you want to join:

If me or whomever i get as a co-leader have not played ingame with you then PM me or co-leader and we'll try to arrange a time to test you.


AshKicks elites jobs are to recruit new members into AshKick when they see fit, they also have the job of making sure other AshKick members are following house rules(If they aren't report to me). AshKick elites can also test members that are wanting to join as long they are over black belts and if AshKick is open to new members.

If a member would like to become an elite just ask. I'm limiting the house to 5 Elites at a time because 5 seems like enough.

1000Oaks - AshKick Leader

Iceman21 - Co-Leader

Ashkick Elites-


If you would prefer to use the house tag its [DIAF-AK]

Last edited by Virtue; May 22, 2009 at 07:33 AM.
Your current Belt/QI: 704
Your GMT and Activity times:
Your DIAF rank e.g. SF: NF
Why you want to join: cos u asked me.. sorta
and co leader would be nice. cos i mean i do beat u.
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....
Your GMT and Activity times: GMT+10 its holidays so i play from around 12pm-7pm
but school is coming up so i will only play on saturdays and sundays:S
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....
i have played ingame with you and you do beat me, and you probably will be getting blackbelt soon lol, so yes you would seem to be a fitting co-leader, AS LONG AS, you become more active on the forums conratz 1st new member upon my house leadership
Your current Belt/QI: 3rd DAN Black Belt // 3142 Qi
Your GMT and Activity times: GMT +1 // hmm I'm active about 5 hours a day
Your DIAF rank e.g. SF: SF :P
Why you want to join: U invated me so :P
And I can kick a lot of asses with closed eyes so that's why im here :P
your game looks good Zolfik, i'm almost positive you'll get in . but I'd still like to play ingame with you so if we could a arrange a time that'd be great, my GMT is: GMT-5 so whenever you want i'll meet up with you.

haha, thanks myi, i've been having a good week so far...even tho its just sunday XD
Last edited by 1000Oaks; Apr 19, 2009 at 09:26 PM.