Original Post
*has left*
I'm going to leave Sigma for a while to see how some other clans are run.
Lets face it, you guys don't really need me and half of you new people don't even know me.
@Phail- Dont worry, I'll probably come back eventually.
@Rob- Enjoy Hawaii.
@Novitech- Don't worry I am still going to pay off that loan.
@Aslask-Keep up the good grammar.
@Velo- Cya soon
@Other random members- kthxbai
Lmao I'm another random member. Cya Xen, bring back blueprints for us <evil laugh>
Aslask: link8: Do you know what the soviet union is? Or was
Marco: link8: do you know what a carrot is? Or was
Yeah, hardly any of us here do stuff, I do one of the least amounts of work.

Bye bye man, hope you had a good stay.
lead Sigma
Originally Posted by DoubleFort View Post
Lmao I'm another random member. Cya Xen, bring back blueprints for us <evil laugh>

Will do.