Original Post
movies and stuff
hey dudes
here an thread for movie recommends. (NO POSTING VIDS DUH ;P)
anyhow... just post titles of movies here u think we should see.
here is an really old one ie watched lately.
it is from 1954!!!! from japan in japanese with english subs.
its called the seven samurai.
its an black and white movie and the special effects are an bit old (more than 50 years to be exactly) but is still is an great movie. the sory is just great. (search it up at wiki).
for those who like the last samurai this is an recommended one from me.
Last edited by timoV44; May 19, 2009 at 08:08 PM.
And as allways,
have fun
tropic thunder, cloverfield, all 3 matrix films and the simpsons movie.

^win^^win^^win^^win^^win^^win^^win^^win^^win^^win^ ^win^
the dark knight DUH.
UNleashed DUH.
Fearless DUH.
Battle Royale 1&2 DUH!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
hey allmost all seen em but dont u know some more unknown movies that are really good to? (like for instance the samurai triology from akira kurosawa = an japanese director)
And as allways,
have fun