Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Decap Me To Win A Reg Key
Since my prior post about this was quickly written and not titled well enough to gain attention, here is a re-post (with minor changes)


Take off my head and win the match in demo judo and say the sekrit passphrase to win a key. The sekrit passphrase is: "Bears are the master race"

This passphrase must not be spoken until after I am decaped, but before you begin your next match.

This competition is open to reg and unreg users alike. Just remember the key points:

1. Everyone is eligible
2. Demo judo + Decap + win + sekrit phrase
3. ?
4. Reg Key (profit)

Times decaped so far: 1
Sekrit phrase not spoken so far... GAME ON!

Bump this thread if you are competing, keep it from getting buried, kthxbai
Last edited by Dikarika; Sep 20, 2007 at 12:15 PM. Reason: *bump* edit
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
My head is still intact...

I've been accused of cheating (for blocking...)

The comp is gaining steam and members...

Its getting harder all the time to keep my head. I've been split, smashed, crushed and dismembered, but still no decap (other than the unofficial one that didn't count *remember the phrase!*)

Keep it coming, its a fun challenge against my defensive judo skills (which apparently isn't too bad, even I didn't expect to last thus far)

I've decided I'll sweeten the deal also. I'm adding sapphire force joints to the win also...

These are RARE joints and I hope to entice more players in with this added bonus...


Demo Judo
Decap + Win + Secret Passphrase
Joints and RegKey

See ya in demo judo
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.