Ingame Name-Evac
How long you have been playing-Honestly its been so long i cant remember
Your Age-15
Timezone and country- dont know timezone, arizona
Your Best mode- Akido
Received any infractions/suspensions on the forum(state why/how long if yes)-yes i recieved a couple because of "useless post", but there all expired now so...
Previous clans (if any)-i know i was in some but its been so long i cant remember
Do you have a sense of humor? yes
Personality-nice guy, funny guy
Opinion on Furries(why?)-i never really had a opinion on them cause i never looked into it, but from what i knew of them (some people i knew) there awsome
Pie or cake?-Pie all the way
æ? /b/? etc?- what ?
The internet is a serious business?- to those who think of it as such
Why you want to join(put some effort into this)- i was a member of TTF but my internet went out for a long time, but now its back and this old skool member would like to join again