Christmas Lottery
Original Post
My departure from Torigod
I write this to inform you that i have come to the conclusion that it is time for me to move on from Torigod. This is not because i dislike the clan or any people in it, but simply because me and a few friends decided to form a new one.

So good speed to you all

PS: I doubt any clan has the same "OMG, it's a torigod!!"-factor as this clan.. im seriously gonna miss that ;)
Veb is trying to talk me into going with.
While I would feel bad about leaving tg, I am seriously considering it.
Torigod is a great clan, but it is not active.
I shall have to think deeply on the matter.
Bye Jarmund...good luck with the clan.
(15:43) <Drakhir> Zaarock: everything is useless.
(15:43) <Blam> Drakhir: Including your penis
Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post
Torigod is a great clan, but it is not active.

disagreed... we have alot of people playing kb and wushu.