Christmas Lottery
Original Post
heyo people!!!!im having an auction over a head texture and the bid starts at 5k!!!!!!ready....set....goooo!!!!!!!!*triggerhappy *.start bidding!THE BID ENDS IN 1 WEEK!PERSON WITH HIGHEST BID AT THE END OF THE WEAK WINS THE HEAD TEXTURE.
Thread moved to Arts/Textures. Please read the rules for each sub-forum to see where you must post next time, and to the people who posted telling him to get the thread moved, please use the report function instead of posting in the thread, it's actually useful.
so you sell the head texture item from the torishop?
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
Yeah, this is stupid. Wouldn't be an auction if it is regular price. Same as auctioning the torishop. Also, I'm not so sure the caps and triggerhappies will improve the sale.

Also, for an auction you need it in This Format:
Starting bid:
Minimum raise:
End Date:

End date and Auto buy aren't necessary but would be appreciated.