Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Klan Ranks?!
Should we bring them back? I say yes but what do you all think? If yes what do you think they should be? If no then why?

Here is past rank ideas.

By Gum:

[KO-Rec] Recruit
[KO-Inf] Infantry
[KO-Sgt] Sergeant
[KO-Lt] Lieutenant
[KO-Capt] Captain
[KO-Major] Major
[KO-Col] Colonel
[KO-Gen] General
[KO-Vet] Veteran

By McBurger:

[KO-LG] KO Legend highest rank
[KO-EO] KO Extreme ownage second highest
[KO-MF] KO Master Fighter
[KO-SA] KO Strong Attacker
[KO-AA] KO Average Attacker
[KO-NA] KO New Attacker (for new recruits)

By Setcomx:

KO-CP]-couch patator XD
[KO-SL]-semi leader

Just my opinion here, I would not even consider the ranks that setcomx suggested of you wanna be taken seriously.
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In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
yeah,i think gum's rankings are pretty cool..sounds like a great idea
Bow down or be crushed!...Be crushed by the jolly boots of DOOM!
personally i think i did enjoy the ranks at first but then i didnt really i dont think u should bring the ranks back
I dunno... It would just bring back that elitism and unwarranted self-importance that we got rid of the rank system for in the first place.