Original Post
Time to say goodbye

My Toaster just died, and I have to go to his funeral for 2 weeks in turkey.

No seriously, even a Nobuddie needs his breaks. I maybe will be one one or two times,but one hour net costs 5 bucks, so I dont think so. Jtank, lead the clan wisely, and dont make shit. For the rest of you, I will miss you (lulz but seriously) and I wish you some fine days.

I hope I see the forum in good and fresh shape when I come back.

I may get on tomorrow, but you never know. So thats why I posted already.

Bye guys.

See ya and have fun in Turkey.

<3 :* oOo O_O :U ;L
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Holy crap when I saw this I thought nobud is leaving Addicted like playaj did in nano

Phew what a releif

Cya nobud <3
Have fun