Original Post
1000 posts and more... I'm back again!
Sup dawgs

Im going to be back

As soon as this is my 1000th post, this has to be spezial



so I am fuckin happy ;]

#note for all new members ;)

look for hidden messagez

it'll have radeon 4890, dual core 3.00 ghz , 4gb ram and (to prevent writting "tb") 1000andfew gigabytes on hard disk

So my video making carrers starts again with shadered toribash !

Also I can make cool pictures for ppl now

also, second cool thing for my 1000 th post : when I hadn't computer and I wasn't making any deals I got profit of 100-150 k ( I can't remember some items)

ok, this is my last post from borrowed laptop. I'll get that THING at monday/tuesday (2-3 days)
||Donate me ^^|| Proud member of [Addicted]||10th DAN||Buy TC here!

Also when you'll have new one, be more active so we fail together, ait?

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by DarkHunt View Post
it'll have radeon 4890, dual core 3.00 ghz , 4gb ram and (to prevent writting "tb") 1000andfew gigabytes on hard disk

It's about 4 times better than my computer :x
But It's laptop...

gratz, enjoy, etc.