Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
How many times can u kick uke before he hits the ground?
i was randomly bashing uke when i got lucky enough to kick him up and then connect another 3 hits before he hit the ground.

i then ran after him pointlessly bashing him like a poor old hobo

so how many times can u kick uke before he touches the ground, and naturally broken limbs dont count if they touch
Last edited by RiseAgainst; Mar 31, 2008 at 01:43 AM.
Let's see... I'd say I have 5 here, if you count the scissor kick as one and not two.

On the first jump, I get him three times (left, left, right), and on the second I get him twice (again, assuming hitting him with both legs at once counts as one kick). And after time runs out, I catch him with my knee and heel too.

EDIT: Oh, you counted your initial shot to get him up in the air. I claim 6 then
Attached Files
Kitsune Aerial Kicks.rpl (91.4 KB, 60 views)
Last edited by Kitsune-sama; Nov 5, 2007 at 08:01 PM.
I can get....0 kicks.
Tripstone says: heh
Tripstone says: clanless sucks
masterjepo says: Evolution isn't any better
masterjepo says: Cave man
Originally Posted by Kitsune-sama View Post
Let's see... I'd say I have 5 here, if you count the scissor kick as one and not two.

On the first jump, I get him three times (left, left, right), and on the second I get him twice (again, assuming hitting him with both legs at once counts as one kick). And after time runs out, I catch him with my knee and heel too.

EDIT: Oh, you counted your initial shot to get him up in the air. I claim 6 then

Don't edit uke.