Original Post
[T]Suggest a Replay
This is a replay based forum game type of thing. Or something. Anyways, what you do, is suggest a replay for the next person to make. They make the replay and then post their suggestion. Be creative, but not something that is overly ridiculous. I don't want it to take a month to complete the previous challenge.

<Stompbox> I want to see a backhand coresplit.
*Tamer0 posts that
<Tamer0> I want to see a negative engage distance death from above.
*Phoenix333 posts that

So, I want to see a 0 gravity long distance decap of any sort(punch kick skeet etc).
I have a WIP, but I move uke a little bit.
Should I hold off on posting it and try to not have to move uke?
Last edited by Phoenix; Sep 12, 2009 at 06:17 AM.
Alright, here's the WIP.

It's a little floaty in the middle, but no gravity tends to do that.
Attached Files
WIP Zero G Decap.rpl (68.9 KB, 29 views)
here's the finished oneClass M - Ya bum!.rpl

Now what I want is a Sambo replay where you jump over uke.
Anything else is up to you.
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~