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Change uke?
Hey! i was wondering if it was possable to change the singleplayer dude called "uke" i want to change his blood to gladiator blood or orc blood (parental issues rofl)

ive just now changed my characters blood to orc, how do i change ukes?

and btw instead of modifieng TORIS item.dat, modify UKE item.dat

or go to C:/>Program FIles>Games>Toribash-3.8>Custom>modmaker1
and copy and poaste everything to ukes folder in the custom folder
Beta: YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT1!!! ITS LEGIT FULL 128! Morbon: joint textures and all? Beta: lol no fuck joint textures
well, you just go on my computer > Local Disk > games > toribash > Custom files >find your name then change the blood colours using the blood colour codes
i dont understand, either of your posts, but thanks for trying to help
but.... errr... i activated my orc blood in shop menu of the site and im ingame and im playing with uke and my OWN blood is still the same..
I have O_O


somone help?

Please use the edit button, when posting more than once in a row. ~DavidFee
Last edited by Fee; Sep 18, 2009 at 09:33 PM.
It can sometimes take a little while to change. There is a command to turn blood off. I'll have a look for it now for you.