Original Post
[Sale] Full body textures with bonus items!
Closed - textures sold to hippyduck for his two void flames
Last edited by BirdFlu; Sep 29, 2009 at 06:20 PM.
Quit, probably.
Breast Texture,Chest Texture,Stomach Texture,Groin Texture,Right Pec Texture and left,Right Hand Texture,Right Thigh Texture,Right Leg Texture,Right Foot Texture for azurite relax and full beetle?
Correct me if i'm wrong , but in the torishop all those items worth about 170-180k.
**Everything in the Torishop is 55% off for a SHORT TIME ONLY!**

it says in the IRC that the sale is over, but i think they won't change it.
Now known as Extreme. If you want to pm me. PM me at here