Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[Helper]Ask Waffle real life philosophical questions.
On request of TomPaine, I've taken control of this thread. Mwahahahaha!

Umm I guess "Real Life philosophical Questions" would be in order,

Now ask me stuff, Anything you can possibly think of... The Mysteries of the world?! The Meaning of Life? Why god hates you? Why do I always refer to giant pigeons as a form of desperate comedic effect?

Even stupid riddles like which came first? the chicken or the egg, or how long a piece of string is.

A: Dinosaurs n fish had eggs long before chickens where around, the term egg is also commonly used in reproductive junk on a cellular level.

A2: A piece of string length is twice the distance from the center to an end.

I actually know quite alot about some certain technical topics but seeing as that's part of my secret real life identity and I doubt any one here would ask about stuff like that I'll just keep those shrouded in mystery untill some one guesses.

Let's get this show on the road people!
Last edited by Waffledude; May 29, 2010 at 05:34 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Well, lets try this one...

Polly Perkins was after a talking parrot, so she went to the local pet shop in the hope of securing such a find. She was in luck. The shop assistant assured her that the parrot would learn and repeat any word or phrase it heard. Polly was delighted. However, a week later, the parrot still hadn't spoken a word. Polly returned to the shop to complain, however, it appeared that the assistant was accurate in what he had said, and refused a refund. Why didn't the parrot talk?
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
"The parrot was deaf and as such couldn't repeat a single word it had heard" I kind of find this standard answer abit oxymoron ish as saying the parrot couldnt repeat a single word it had HEARD.... well it wouldnt have heard anything, its not that it couldnt repeat it, its that it couldnt hear what to repeat in the first place.

or another answer to could have been the parrot was a twat... and liked the irony of a person name polly repeating phrases at a parrot so that the parrot would say something.
Last edited by KungFuJC; Oct 7, 2009 at 04:26 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Damn, i hate google.

Anywayz, the "parrot was a twat" answer is the best...
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
why people hate my religion {AWSOME SAGI RELIGION religion]
and call me NOT AWSOME in the street i just hate it
i got only 4 people in my religion [all are dead]

help j help!
Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?
this is a three part.

1)How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

2)A man walks up to you and says, "Everything I tell you is a lie" Is he telling the truth or lying?

3)And the classic:

You stand at a fork in the road. Next to each of the two forks, there stands a guard. You know the following things:
1. One path leads to Paradise, the other to Death. From where you stand, you cannot distinguish between the two paths. Worse, once you start down a path, you cannot turn back.
2. One of the two guards always tells the truth. The other guard always lies. Unfortunately, it is impossible for you to distinguish between the two guards.

You have permission to ask one guard one question to ascertain which path leads to Paradise. Remember that you do not know which guard you're asking -- the truth-teller or the liar -- and that this single question determines whether you live or die.

The question is: What one question asked of one guard guarantees that you are led onto the path to Paradise, regardless of which guard you happen to ask?
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
A rabbit and a tortoise are having a race. The rabbit is going twice as fast as the tortoise, and therefore halves the distance between them from 100m to 50m. They he halves it again, to 25m, and again to 12.5m and so on etc.etc. How does the rabbit ever overtake the tortoise, as the distance will never reach 0, just keep getting smaller and smaller?
Quit, probably.