Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Yo, its the Hobo.
Hello my new clanmembers.

I recently got in addicted and I hope we have a great time together.
About me:
I do rowing, fitness training and play tennis. I am 16 years old, in the 11th grade (Germany) and have school the whole day. In my free time I meet friends, texture or do stuff for the Promo Team.

Hey hobo ^^

Good to have another german in here with all these polfags xD
▼ [CW] ▼ [OoT] ▼ [OLDA] ▼ [some more stuff I can't remember... ♥ [Addicted]
Welcome. o/

Anyone could explain me why the fuck lebanonfag brings jugs on my mind? Nfi why, but when I hear this word, I start thinking of jugs. FFFFFFffff

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos