Christmas Lottery
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Gay Marriage/gay adoption
Imaginative, eh?
But because this hasn't been discussed since old debate, why not. Might as well have this topic around.

Please note: this topic is about 2 different things, so keep that in mind when answering.

So, what says you? Personally i think all arguments against gay marriage are hopelessly weak, and this video reflects my views precisely.

Now, i understand adoption is not as black and white, but even here i side with homosexuals. Thousands of children grow up all around the world with no parents at all, even though there are plenty gay couples willing to adopt them and give them home to live in. There is no evidence that i know of which suggests that upbringing among gay parents can suppress natural sexual orientation, and if there is I'd like to see it.
Last edited by Odlov; Dec 5, 2009 at 06:14 AM.
Each to their own. Kinda bigoted to be against it.

And just cos someone has gay parents it doesn't mean they're going to turn out gay, though I do find the idea of a gay couple kicking off cos their son brings back a chick amusing. ^_^

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I say the kid should be greatful, but i wouldnt want those kids to turnout gay. All together this problem would be solved if people didn't throw away their children. If your gonna end up giving it away you shouldn't have it.

Gay marriage is simple. I have no problem with gays, they can do whatever the hell they want.
bring back wibbles
1. Why get married?

2. Let them adopt, they are just as capable if not more.

Also, Reanimator people don't mean to have babies, unless they actually want one of those creatures around. It's because they are stupid and in general people are stupid about certain things.
Last edited by T0ribush; Dec 5, 2009 at 04:50 AM.
Yes to marriage, no to adoption.

Why, you ask? Because society isn't prepared yet, and the only one suffering would be the kid.

I can elaborate if needed, but I'm really sleepy, and I think It's pretty obvious what I mean.
Nothing to be added about the marriage, as of yet. We'll wait for the fundies.

As for adoption, I, too, see how it's more complicated, but still the overall "score" remains positive.

Even if a gay couple's adopted child gets bullied, it's still a huge improvement from living in a children's home. And as you know, children get bullied anyways, I, for example, got bullied for being fat and not considering school the worst thing that ever happened to me. Curiously enough, they made school the worst thing in my life for the time I was on the same class, but I'm digressing.

True, there's more than bullying to it. Like explaining the kid why he has two fathers/mothers instead of one of both. But the problem here is less about telling them their parents are gay and more about explaining them what's the damn difference. Sex, after all, is a big taboo, and you can't tell a <10-year-old about that shit.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
yes for marriage and yes for adoption

Nothings wrong with being gay and adopting a baby, imagine if you were in there shoes,what would you do?
You would have a nice husband and you would like to have a baby because you want to take care of something and to love.

You can just say being gay is unique and being adopted is lucky.
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
Yes for marriadge no for adoption. Every kid should have a mom.

Even if that mother is an abusive drug-taker who beats the shit out of their child every day? As long as a child has loving parent(s) does it really matter what sexuality the parent(s) are? No it doesn't. As long as the child has support it doesn't matter if they have a mother or not.
I never said they couldn't but you stated that every child needs a mother and I was asking whether you think that applies when the mother is abusive. I never said that gays were perfect people.