Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Need TC? I'm buying your items!

Only Forces, Relaxes and collector items (monk, warrior etc) are accepted.

Welcome to my buying shop.
The first thing you can do is to read the big red text located in the beginning of this thread. Many people tend to not see it.
I buy all your forces/relaxes/collector items for low prices, for example if you need TC fast and don't want to spend hours and days on finding a buyer.

Check dealfinder! You're offer must be cheaper than the prices here!
I'm ONLY buying forces, relaxes and collector items (monk, warrior etc)

Online Information
I am online everyday at 6:00 + 16:00-21:00 GMT.
I am online most part of Saturday-Sunday.
I might be online at other times too but the ones above is the safe ones.
My online information is for you to know when to give an offer to fastest get a result.

Balance: 1 000 000 TC ~

Happy selling.

Last edited by Dodekus; Apr 24, 2010 at 01:31 PM.
I'm interested in good offers. Not in any specific items.

EDIT: In other words, I'm interested in all items if they have good offers.