Original Post
[A]Magnetite Force + Relax Pack
Starting bid:25k
min raise:5k
auction ends in 2 days.

Kevlar Force + Relax Pack
Starting bid: 25k
min raise:5k
auction ends in 2 days.

Old Gold Force + Relax + Blood Pack Leader:Missuse:25k
starting bid:25k
min raise:5k
auction ends in 2 days.

Autobuy all of them for 125k!!!
Last edited by alejandro3; Dec 8, 2009 at 11:15 PM.
[ Fr3styL, Pandora, Secret, DP, Creamy Horse Mouths, TINT<3]
Bid denied it sayd 25k as starting bids 5k is the minumum raise.

[ Fr3styL, Pandora, Secret, DP, Creamy Horse Mouths, TINT<3]
Ok Missuse is in the lead also lowered starting bid on kevlar pack.
[ Fr3styL, Pandora, Secret, DP, Creamy Horse Mouths, TINT<3]
Warrior no I didn't the minumum raise is 5k everything else has always been 25k man.
[ Fr3styL, Pandora, Secret, DP, Creamy Horse Mouths, TINT<3]
josemi tell me are u selling the text pack
does it include trails, ground and dq if yes
230k for it?
wishful eyes deceive me