Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[S]Fnugget Card
I am selling the Fnugget Collector Card (pretty rare) for the low price of 50k.
(Haggling is acceptable as long as its' reasonable)

I'm tired of failed auctions, so here it is, people. Buy it outright!
I bid 25k! Lol. PS: That's a joke. Don't flame me plox.

Infracted for a useless post. ~apple
Last edited by RedDevil; Dec 21, 2009 at 09:40 AM.
No, I'm looking for at least 40-50k for it and I won't go below unless you can provide evidence that it has sold for less under reasonable circumstances.
Legal Bump

Just a reminder, I am not accepting any items whatsoever. Remember you can haggle!
Legal Bump

Christmas is here, so if there are any buyers before I wake up, the card will cost only 40k, and it will come with two accounts! Click the account sale in my sig for more information.