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What kind of student are/were you?
What kind were/are you? The kind that listens attentively and gets good grades, or the kind that only enjoys throwing paper wads in the head of the person in front of you? Amount of info depends on you.

I'm almost a combination of the two, where I usually listen a lot but I'm still goofy but rarely get into trouble. If I had more of a work ethic maybe I'd get even better grades, but I get A's/B's nonetheless.
In most of my classes I pay a lot of attention and get a good amount of work done and get quite good marks. However in some classes like Math (I hate math so I joined the 2nd easiest class) I have nothing to do so I just talk and shit, but still answer all the questions correctly because my math class is made up of a) people who hate math but are good at it or b) stoners.

So yeah, I'm generally an attentive student that gets work done, with some exceptions every now and again.
lead Sigma
I'm the guy you see taking a nap whenever he get's the chance,including that once at the end of the week outside break.I still listen,but sometimes I just wander off or starts working homework so I can take my hour rest when I get home.I get B's/C's,sometimes A's.
I was the class joker when I was still in school :B

I always had good grades, by the way ;)
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
I'm a straight-A typical asian at my school.

Don't pay attention in class, somehow know everything during the tests, and hold a decent position in school popularity.
This sentence is a lie. This sentence is not true. This sentence is divisible by zero. This sentence is eatable.
I'm that intelligent, but quiet and introverted student, who tends to daydream during boring classes, and pay attention when things get interesting. I rarely do more work than i have to, which usually results in above-average grades, though i have received top grades sometimes. I'm mainly inattentive when the teacher is rolling the blackboard style, but i do the tasks we're assigned to, often pretty quickly. I'm decidedly a logical thinker, so i favor natural science classes, and tend to get bored in the humanistic classes (Danish, English, History...). I want to do well, but i constantly find my own laziness being quite an obstacle to that. I very rarely get bad grades for anything i do, it's just that i sometimes get them for things that i don't do.

That's about it. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
I'm the laziest and luckiest person in my class. I never do all my homework, i do 25-75% of it but i always get best grades and i bet that some teachers even hate me for being so lazy.. But what can i do?
"Your ad could be here"
Pandora is my destiny!
Silent student who gets average grades.

During comprehensive school, I listened to the lessons, but I still never took school that seriously.
Now that I'm in vocational school, I most of the time attempt to get the highest grades what I can get...
I take school a lot more seriously now, but I still sometimes somehow succeed to get carried away.

I hope that I can change that in the near future.
I usually talk to my friends in class and then just finish the work at home unless it's important. If it is then I just do what I have to do.

My grades are average.

I used to be really smart until like the 7th grade. I used to have some of the best grades in the hardest classes available.
Last edited by Numbers; Jan 5, 2010 at 11:45 PM.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

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