Original Post
Official Match Thread (OMT).
Welcome to the Official Match Thread. (Also known as "The OMT").
What is this?
All suggestions on matches will be dicussed here to see what schedule fits everyone best. Everytime a match is suggested I will edit this post into a list of people who wants to enter and what date it ends.

The application form should basicly be what day the person suggests a match on.
How do I sign up for matches?
Basically post that you want to be in an upcomming match with the date(s) and time(s) you are available to play.

How do I suggest a match?
You can suggest matches by posting here. Just don't suggest matches all the time or if there is a current one in work or scheduled.

Current Scheduled Match.
Finished Matches.
Day: Friday the 15th, January 2010.
People who signed up: DarkJak, Dashterror, Shin-Yami, Sa1uk, Kraetyz, iPingu.
People who didn't show up: Sa1uk, DarkJak, iPingu.
Canceled Matches.
Day: Thursday the 26th/Saturday the 27th/Sunday the 28th, February 2010.
People who signed up: Shin-Yami, Kraetyz, Sa1uk, Dashterror, Zego.
Last edited by Dashterror; Feb 28, 2010 at 12:25 AM.
I will now suggest a match. Any day of the weekend works.

Mode: Twinsword.
Distance: Enough for us not to touch each other at first.

Should this be a tournament way with a price too?
Originally Posted by Sa1uk View Post
I can join =D


Edit: Also added server name.
Double Edit: Added a timezone translator so some people can translate 17:45 GMT to their own timezone.
Last edited by Dashterror; Jan 12, 2010 at 06:25 PM.
Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post
hmmmm 12:45 for me. You guys better be on there for a LONG time :]

As fast as the clock turns 17:45 for Jim we knows that its time. So yeah.