Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[S] full acid
full acid for sale

post u're offers, if I don't like them I will not sell
wishful eyes deceive me
nah my friend does =)

maybe you know him he is called haedulus think~ rank 150

wut means more then 30k
30.1k lol

no comon tell me an offer
do u want fill or without force and ghost?
40 k full, or some cewl item, u have a lot of em now, and for void don't wory, I'll sand it in few days even if I dont get the achievement

nah duno him just played it a lil in a friends house - cewl game, maybe I'll buy it sometime, but tb still hols my attention

is there any chance u will sell me alpha imp lax?
Last edited by missuse; Jan 12, 2010 at 02:11 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me
i want without ghost and lax and force =)

so maybe 29k for that?

ya sure u can buy alpha imp lax maybe for 1kk =)

so no sorry i need it for the full aplha imp