Original Post
I'm feeling for some morbid humor tonight.

Situation 1:

So let's say you were stuck on a small uninhabited island which was home to nothing but 1 dead tree. You had with you a moderate-sized canister of drinking water, a bottle of alcohol, a roll of bandages, a lighter, and a handsaw....It was not your first day there, and you were extremely hungry. All attempts to catch fish or other sea life have ended in failure and more exhaustion. You know you won't last much longer if you don't get nourishment ASAP.
You know ships pass through the area, but for all you know it could be many days until the next one.

Situation 2:

Same as above, except you have another person with you. You didn't know him before you ended up on this island. Between you 2 you have all the same tools as in the first situation. You are both extremely hungry...and water supply is dwindling even faster with 2 of you there. What do?
Situation 1: I would do nothing. Having to cut off a limb is to much for me. Probably you would die of blood loss regardless so just die peacefully by a nice fire

Situation 2: I would get rid of him but do the same in situation 1. The only reason i would get rid of him is so he dont eat me XD
Situation 1: Attempt to find some nourishing roots on the tree or some bugs living in the it?

Situation 2: I don't think I have the stones to kill someone in cold blood. Depending on my level of desperation, that could all change. Probably fashion a crude spear from the dead tree, and stab my companion to death with it. (I wouldn't be able to do it with the saw, too slow) Then probably eat him. Nothing really creative on my part today.
Last edited by evets; Jan 28, 2010 at 02:43 AM.
Situation 1: Saw small slivers of wood/bark from the tree, make a clearing in the sand and make a fire, using alcohol as a means of accelerating the fire if needed. Not much else to do but wait for boats to pass by.

Situation 2: Wait for the other person to go to sleep or be looking in the other direction, then knock them down/flip them over, sit on their upper back, and choke them to death. Use saw to cut them into pieces, start with the limbs (arms and legs) and cut off slivers of meaty flesh; leave the rest of the body intact along with unused portions from legs and arms. Roll out the bandage-roll and cut it into about half a dozen thin strips. Saw a limb from the tree about a meter long, peel off any bark on the outside and whittle it down with the saw until it's smooth. Tie pieces of flesh to the strips and tie the strips to the branch/rod. Wade out until standing in water that goes about up to the waste. Cast the flesh and wait for a fish to bite. Be wary to watch the water as sharks can swim in fairly shallow areas. For water, mix together the alcohol and water to stretch out both supplies. After running out, I have a bottle and a canteen; gather seawater in the canteen, boil it above the fire, and pour it out into the bottle to let it cool. When cooled, put two fingers over the opening of the bottle as a crude filter and pour it into the canteen- the fire will have killed bacteria, but salty water is still irritating and also dangerous to drink over a long period of time, so hopefully I'd strain out most of the salt through this process. Repeat when needed. Again for food, I have the rest of the body for chum, and if I'm successful in catching fish I can save bits of meat to catch bigger fish- you know, they pick up the scent of prey and swim in and bite and BAM I HAVE A BIGGER FISH. Then I do this until I get to the top of the food chain. Wrestling with sharks every other day will improve my muscular strength and endurance (halfjoke olo)

EDIT: Wow, I just realized how much more you can do to survive by killing someone :| Is that the morbid humor you were going after, Odlov?
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Situation 2: Do what the Donner Party did in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Kill dude #2 before he hogs all the water to himself, then cut some wood from the tree and roast his flesh over the fire.

Upon sighting a ship, pour all the alcohol over the dead tree, and set it on fire via lighter. Hope that the ship will come and investigate the spontaneous combustion. If it doesn't, roll in the alcohol and set yourself on fire, hoping to learn what a human bomb is.
Last edited by GuardianDuo; Jan 28, 2010 at 02:06 AM.
This sentence is a lie. This sentence is not true. This sentence is divisible by zero. This sentence is eatable.
Situation 1: I would attempt to gain some protein intake from my sperm, and wait it out for a boat, checking the dead tree for any sort of life. Get drunk.

Situation 2: I would get drunk and kill the stranger for my own protection, then cook and eat him out of necessity. If anyone asked, he attacked me first for the same reasons.
I would probably try to asphyxiate myself in both circumstances, so I wouldn't have to live out the long agony of starvation/ depression/ sickness and the inevitable crushing of my morals. In the 2nd situation, I would ask my partner to tie a piece of wood to my body and throw me out to shore after I did it, so there would maybe be some hope for me.
Last edited by BlakNWyte; Jan 28, 2010 at 02:11 AM.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Bahaha, nice ones.

RDM, no self-amputating in situation 1? I'm dissapoint.

I wrote out a huge explanation for just that, but closed the tab and can't be bothered to do it again. So I'll make it short.

Use the saw to cut off my left leg from the knee down. Use the alcohol as a disinfectant and take a huge swig to dull the pain. Use the lighter to cauterize the wound. Wrap the stump in some bandages and do the same to the severed leg. Cook the severed leg using the alcohol, the tree wood and the lighter.

Hope you don't have to run away quickly some time in the future.
Originally Posted by BlakNWyte View Post
I would probably try to asphyxiate myself in both circumstances, so I wouldn't have to live out the long agony of starvation/ depression/ sickness and the inevitable crushing of my morals.

However, isn't suicide a form of murder? You are still destroying a 'vessel of holy spirit', etc etc

As for me, that would depend on my state of mind at that time.

In the first situation it's possible i would asphyxiate myself too, and take the easy way out. However, it's also possible i would do the following:

1. Saw all parts of a tree i can and put them aside for future use.
2. Start a big fire.
3. Ingest half of the alcohol to ease the pain
4. Put a piece of wood/folded cloth between my teeth.
5. Tie a piece of cloth or bandage very tight to isolate the leg and help it go blue n' numb.
6. Start sawing my leg off.
7. Use all cloth/bandages to try and slow down the bleeding.
8. Heat the saw in a fire.
9. Cauterize the wound with hot steel, starting with artery.
10. Repeat #9
11. Use more alcohol on the wound, and cover it in thin layer of bandages.
12. Cook my leg and enjoy!

This would be extremely risky and there's a great chance I would bleed to death before i cauterize the wound, but I'd try it if i felt particularly eager to live.

Second situation...same. All would depend on how keen on living i was.
If i didn't kill myself, i would attempt to 'assist' the other guy.
If i won, I'd likely fair until the next ship. If he won, than at least he wouldn't have to feel bad about killing me, seeing how i attacked first.
Last edited by Odlov; Jan 28, 2010 at 02:46 AM.