Original Post
Thought i might drop and say hi
Doubt many or any of you can remember me except for nobuddie but i quit the clan last year as i was pending a ban and thought it would of been better you not having a banned member in the clan i just thought i might drop by say hi and sorry about the past. see any of you around
my dear sir or madam get over your self please. you are acting like a child, being polite is not a crime nor is trying to say hi to an old clan.

He scammed a lot of peoples, got banned for a year.
Now get the fuck out.
Lol so much hate.

Hi demonkiller o/

Now you can leave, your task is finished, someone replied friendly.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos