Christmas Lottery
Original Post

by gamer828
Chapter 1
Laying in the darkness, unable to see, that’s how we all were, once. This disease was our downfall and our reckoning. Some of us died blind, whilst the others embraced our new state. We practiced in the darkness, out of view from the world, our other senses increased tenfold. Our ears became our eyes, out blows accurate. We walk amongst you in the street, but you don’t notice, we train together in the darkness, but you don’t know. You will know, you will notice, you will hear our name whispered in the shadows. We are the fury of the blind, we are
BlindFury. By AirGoof

by gamer828
Chapter 2
They walked alone. Now united they walk together. You cant tell it but they are blind. When you cant see a thing you become fearless, complete you feel different. How can I tell you ask? well once you live amongst them for a certain time you realise it, not at first, but you tend to forget ther're blind. Then one day you wake up and your blind yourself, you dont know what to do, where to go. Everything leads back to the maker in it's due time, and thats why we are all here, we are Blind.

by gamer828
Chapter 3
It takes courage to stare into the face of death.Any one who knows will say the stench lingers over you like a damp piece of silk. Your heart races as you feel it inch closer and closer to you, you start to feel sick. Your stomach turns over and you are forced to take a breath of the foul tasting air. At last when you have fully exepted your fate you step forward and look it in the eye, you grin from ear to ear, you speak, your voice calm and steady "take me you foul monster, take me" you say. Death stares you right back in the eye, after a minute it turns on it's heal and leaves, you stare back. You turn on your heal and walk, head up looking towards the sun, you dont care where, just knowing that you have stared death in the face and won is enough.

Clan Vid Trailer

Clan Ldr's

In Memory

Co Ldr's

Member list



Gamer828[Colonel?] POSTED






Ldr-Elite Shlyapo aka Mrblind's new account



Uchiha111 POSTED

Uchiha619[Coldr] POSTED


Blindfury Deck

Well we are still waiting for offical. Everything is looking good and we want to keep it like that. We Have a Blindfury Deck that is really coming alone. All unactive forum member and game member have been kicked from clan. To remain in this clan you must be active in forums and in game. More News will be here soon.....

normal ranks.

Traine ranks
black belts or up, no donation or time in clan needed, imediate rank can be decided by started test if good enough

private (including higher counterpart 2nd private)
Private first class
Staff sergeant
sergeant First Class
Master Sergeant =MS
First sergeant
Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major =CSM

Officer ranks
special requirments

Warrant Officer 1-4=WO
Has collected 5 or more bountys

1stLieutenant (including lower class 2ndlt.)
1st: 3rd dan or up , or donated 1000tc at blackbelt, or ldr recomended
2nd:2nd dan or up,or donated 500tc at blackbelt,or ldr recomended
1st lt for 1 week, donate 1500tc, tested, 50 posts, or ldr recomended

3rd dan or above, been in clan for 1.5 week , tested , 100 posts, donate at or over 1000tc, or reccomended

3rd dan or above, been in clan for 2 weeks ,tested, 150 posts, donated at or over 1250tc, or recomemended

Lieutenant colonel
4th dan or above, been in clan for 2.5 weeks, tested, 200 posts , donated 1500tc,or recomemended

4th dan or above, been in clan for 3 weeks, tested, 250 posts, donated 1750tc, or recomended

5th dan or above, been in clan for 3.5 weeks,tested, 400 posts, donated 2000tc, clan vote
, or all ldr recomended

Special(semi pwr)
decided by popularity or skill (shadow stalkers identitys will be concealed and are even better than our elites group and only has 5 ppl like the elites)

Shadow Stalkers--------ERROR ACCESS NOT PERMITED
elites----Special group of our best figters for now there will be only 5
Sergeant Major Of Army recruit------- CSM and lower
Chief warrant officer ----------Warrant officers
Brigadier General --------- Brigader and below
Major general------- Majors and lower
Lt.general-------lt. colonel and below------Dimebag95
General of army------- Generals and lower

Rank maker?

NOTE: Specials do not have power over other specials exception is greater than general of army but have no pwr over ldrs and can not kick members.

Clan Bank
we accept donations

Clan Rules
1.No Flamming
2.Stay active
3.No double claning
4.No Double posting
5.Never disobey leaders
6.Participate in clan wars
7.Treat everyone with respect
8.No Shoveling

By jonnario(ex-member)
Invite Only

Clan Wars
2.Pain[Won 3 times]

Clan Aim
[X]Get 50k For Offcial
[X]Become successful
[ ]Become offcial
[X]Well known clan


Individual Allies

Last edited by Bro; Apr 22, 2010 at 03:36 AM.
Hello all i am gamer828 i am a co ldr of the clan iv been in this clan since the start i left once but then decided that no other clans could suport how extremly active i am, i help organize this clan a little and i am one of the teachers in this clan and was once the executive of enforcement im usually a chill person and dont hold grudeges. (live and let go ppl, live and let go) but i cant deal with the ppl who cant go on with their life theres a saying that if u try to hold your enemys back your only holding yourself back i have enemys like the matt in legion and shit and he yakes his anger on my clan and shit here but i will probly forgive him and apologize tomorow and stuff so Peaceout
Last edited by gamer_noob; Apr 3, 2010 at 10:37 PM.
All BlindFury Members you are free to post any new sets you have been working on our even some replays. Make sure you follow the Forum Rules
um...well im Darkbear.I like to talk.I am a decent player. i like making replays,and i make good ones...i am half korean half black, and um... im new to the clan. i hope i can get along with everybody else here.
Attached Files
Dark decap.rpl (93.8 KB, 24 views)
$bear madman 2.rpl (149.5 KB, 17 views)
$bear madman.rpl (184.3 KB, 17 views)
Last edited by DarkBear; Mar 14, 2010 at 07:42 AM.
fien here it iz
Attached Files
madman2.rpl (355.7 KB, 16 views)
My first madman.rpl (78.9 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by gamer_noob; Apr 3, 2010 at 10:38 PM.