Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[r] Replays

Post your favourite replays or WIPs and we'll try to give some constructive criticism on each. Everybody try and get involved!
Last edited by crux; Mar 19, 2010 at 12:44 PM.
Posted this replay before but a love it, somethings happened to it but because it should come up as me being the underdog and itsarabbit being the other guy, but itstead it shows up me and uke.
Attached Files
savesave.rpl (558.9 KB, 22 views)
Haha awesome. I used to do this kinda stuff alot. Sparring with Marco, Leilak and others too. I can't really say anything constructive as I'm not a replay guy. Pretty cool though.
Lol i'm not really a replay guy, that one turned out nice but so had to be posted :P
In all fairness i've hardly played the game since my studying started , hoping to get back to it soon but
Cool, it is instagib though. I'd recommend not making instagib replays, doesn't show much skill. If you can get the split without instagib feet then I'd be impressed.

Also, join #raid if you can, on IRC.
Haha nice one. You should try adding a bit of a relaxed style to the replays, make them look alot more fluent.

I'll post some replays up sometime If I can find any. ;s