Secret Santa 2024
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Originally Posted by shadowelf View Post
have simple black style and it fits to my room ;d

^ inspiration.

Sooooo, talk a bit about your rooms D:

First set of questions:
a) Wall colors/overall colors of design
b) Stuff in your room
c) Messy or not

For me:
a) Green walls + green curtains + green cover on red-crimson-orange bed (I used to have a green one D: ) = green design. However, if I was to choose, I'd make it all fucking orange :D

- Loads of wardrobes and similiar stuff, commodes etc. I've got entire wall of that.
- Two desks (one for computer n stuff, second for writing/reading/all the rest of stuff)
- Dartboard +darts :D
- A good TV (it's a bit old but still quite modern and I like it, it's enough for my uses)
- A radio which I love because it can play music from a pendrive [and I've got all my music on one of my pendrives :D ]

That's everything worth telling I think.

c) Kinda mess, but definitely not as mess at it COULD be. Of course my parents think my room is lair of everything that can be not-tidy. Actually, I tidy my room each um... each important day lol. Holidays, birthdays of somebody in family, visits and such. Not so often D: I love the state of semi-mess in my room. I can find everything easily and stuff (and it's fun when my mom looks for something for 15 minutes, then asks me where is it and I show it after few secs xd)

Add next questions to the set if you wish.

Also I won't add photos of my room because I don't feel like it. My camera disappeared in some mysterious happenings :V

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Maybe I'll take a photo.
So I'm living with brother (:|)
Yellow walls (close to white), + yellow rollups + white/transparent curtain.
b) wardrobe + commode and 3 quite big shelfs.
1 long desk (from left to right)
World map
Black computer + black speakers with wood cases + black headphones on blue glass + black modem and router + black scarf from Witcher game
Black tv (monitor from computer, old speakers and tv card)
Overall Everything is yellow or in wood color but Computer is black.
c) Big mess. I clean it up every weekend. In week I can only put (read as: throw) clothes to wardrob.
a) Yellow and green walls. Rest is randomly put together some more wooden looking and some more technical like silver 'n' shit.
b) One big closet. Big TV desk. A bed with my PC under it. Two desks, one for PC one for homework. Couch under my bed. Another couch in front of the TV.
c) An organized mess. I know where most of the stuff is but it's still like messy.
My bro lives in the same room as well…

Our walls are yellow and red

stuff: my laptop! Music Player, 3 shelfes, 2 beds and 2 desks.

No that messy
White walls, and no shit.
b) Bed, my bad ass speakers wih my input cord to play musc and shit, drawer, closet, desk, bookshelf (mainly just has toys and crap on it) and clothes on the ground.
Usually it is bt it's been better recently, not as many clothes but there are a fair few towls around

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]

White walls, one Brown/"Sand"ish wall.
Everything is clean, white with wood panels and all.
My whole room is ikea only. I'm serious.
My bed ofcourse, A selfbuild sofa, made with 2 mattresses and some pillows. So fucking comfortable. It's where pals sleep if they stay over night. My Work desk, my wardrobe + a little cupboard and another big shelvish thingie. That's all.
Everything is white/brown themed. Except for my carpet. It's green.
Mostly very clean. I like to get into my room and have it clean. But that's just weekends. Strange isn't it? Fridays I clean my room, then have it clean all weekend. Then school starts, I start throwing sheets of paper all over the desk and leave my jeans and shirts on the floor/couch/chair etc.
And then I repeat cleaning.
I have a house building, so I want to have my own room, I want to choose everything, but that will be hard. Walls must be white, and I want to ''graffite'' it. I don't know how to do it, but I'll look for anyone who can do this, with some cool draws in it. Black n white floors, like this. I'm thinking about others stuff, but my actual room is shit.
a) Pink
b) A tv, an eletric guitar, a queen sized bed, Transparent curtains so i can spy on the neighbours, oh oh oh and my Macbook !
c) Naw :3
..... Iz wasting the Tori Prime , because i can.
OMGOMG I've obtained a camera, you know what does it mean?

disregard the hour/date, it's fucked up and I'm too lazy to fix

It's cleaner than usual because easter is near and such, I kinda cleaned it a bit.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Oh thats nice, relatively old-fashioned though, don't you think?
But I kinda like it, looks comfortable and makes you "feel like at home."

Nice, Nice.

Will post mine soon as far as my parents get out of the house.