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+Account (KOOKY) Hacked
Guys, my account kooky is hacked! I'm sure some of you know me! But it was Hacked by shiik! He wanted to buy my account and i pressed the wrong to take scrinnie! And he told me to say pass first i said it....he just went away! I go to kooky pass dosn't work...

For details/// please cheak shiik's ip and also chiken123 (his little bro) 's IP. I think SlipAnc,SklulFuk and my clan knows me please help...Check that Kooky's IP is now shiiks! please help!
i am gonna try to find out as much information as i can and gonna write it here..



1. shiik is realy chiken123's brother (Proof because who would give free textures?)

More comes later..
Last edited by Cobra; Apr 8, 2010 at 07:49 PM.
Thanks cobra! And tell everyone i am hacked and tell them to not trust anything i pm them or tell them! also...Shiik is acctually 3rd dan he had a glitch his belt appeared custom belt....1 day later he got all the achivements also his qi raised! please help guys!
i think there's something in the rules against selling accounts. but i'm pretty sure it won't be held against you, don't worry :).

anyway, this is a good example of why you shouldn't tell your password to anyone. And if you're in a position where you'd lose the more valuable commodity by paying first, tell the other person to do so.

and you probably already know this, but Nabi and all of their volunteer moderators and administrators won't ask for your password because they already have access to it.
Weird, I thought chicken123 was permabanned... Chicken123 was my friend pooman123, but then chicken123 got hacked, and got banned forever. And also, last time I checked chicken123 was banned. If this is all correct pooman123 should have his old brown belt chicken123 account back.

Anyways, don't worry, you'll get your account back, just contact an admin or smod. If your clan mates know that kooknbank is your account, then you have proof that you are kooky, and you'll retrieve kooky.

And a lesson, never give out your password to anyone before they pay you for the account.

And btw, pooman123/chicken123 does not have a brother, but right now the hacker might be taking over the account or gave it to HIS brother.
Originally Posted by KooKBaNk View Post
Thanks cobra! And tell everyone i am hacked and tell them to not trust anything i pm them or tell them! also...Shiik is acctually 3rd dan he had a glitch his belt appeared custom belt....1 day later he got all the achivements also his qi raised! please help guys!

He probaly bought qi i hope you got account back
Yeah guys, I'm the old chicken123. My account was hacked and was robbed. Last I heard, it was permabanned. kooky dont blame random people and always ask for the money before the pass.
[Colon 3]