Christmas Lottery
Original Post
my wallpaper XD
Well i was busy with learning *cough* and came up
with the idea to make a wallpaper =)

and I got to say it worked out really well XD
Should I ask to put on the website so everybody can download it?

here I updated it a little bit

what you think?
Last edited by Zimi; Jan 22, 2008 at 11:07 PM.
Ok, i guess it's ok, i looked at it for like ten seconds (sadly) and figured out what it meant. It's nice ;) but i think a color other than green would be better
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
Yeah I agree, green is kinda heavy on the or grey maybe`?

Also I think that the dark edge(where it goes over into white) needs a bit more work, seems too grainy.

I love wining :P
wahaha, The problem is have a macbook with glssy screen so the colors
differs from screen to screen and inhere its nice green ;)
but I can change the colors XD
I'll put them inhere aswell....

Now should I post hampa about this so that he can upload them onto the website or is it just a ridiculous idea?
Lol a little too early for that eh? u head still needs editing, lol, so far i see a floating head in the air and a hand

try connecting them o_o
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
imma dutch
If you can look into the mirror without laughing you have no sense of humour. >.<