Original Post
[S] and [A] Full Demolition Trails
Hey I am selling full Demolition trials. They are very rare and can be sold for a very high price. But i am letting you offer. This is Half Selling and Aunction.

All Of the Trails put together in shop price are: 160k
All OF them At my price: offer.

Starting bid:40k
Min Raise: 5k
Auto buy: 100k
I'm back :)
kk ill try sell them now if i sell them ill bid k? so dont put as starting bid now maybe ill bid later if you accept^^ if not i still can bid with them
No need to rush because dont look anyone else want to buy these rare items.
I'm back :)
How about this ill give you when i get next time money on paypal and buy tc 40k for all?

edit: nvm i wont buy not interested anymore
Last edited by Cobra; Apr 18, 2010 at 11:09 PM.
sorry but when i get many tc ill pm you ok? end of month i get much tc so ill surely buy it from you
might trade 2 trails vs Supernova Force and later when i get ill buy the other 2 trails for 25k? you get 50k :3