Christmas Lottery
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Resolution wont go's more than it sounds like.
So earlier I restarted my computer and got a Vista bootup screen(I have W7).
Then I discovered that my resolution wouldn't go past 1024x768(4:3) while I usually have it at 1680x1050(16:10). However my drivers are still working properly because I'm able to play all of my games like I normally do with the settings turned all of the way up.

I'm thinking to solve this I would have to put in my Windows CD and fix it, but I dont have it atm my brother does. Does anybody else have a possible solution.
Well, I have a lead. The resolution you boot in is 1024x768. That's all Ive got. :3


That wasn't very helpful. He already knows about that. Please contribute, or don't post.

Oh, sorry. I thought he meant he got the vista boot screen instead of the W7 one.
Last edited by graboy; Apr 26, 2010 at 11:05 PM.
Maybe you have a major program like steam running in a compatibility res. And when it starts up it will do that.
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
Your Windows 7 booted up as Vista? I can see how that could create a problem.
Other than what has been said I'd still suggest checking drivers, some games/etc work on older drivers while some do not.
Clan Blood Leader
I just told you that all of my games work perfectly just as they always did just a lower resolution.(crysis still runs on full)
Also fistfury you're solution has no chance because the resolution that it would be is 640.
It's probably a monitor driver issue.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Higher resolutions might need better drivers. Just check them all ready, it's much easier to check them now than change your GPU and monitor and then realize that the drivers somehow lacked higher resolution options or something.
Clan Blood Leader
Lol I finally figured it out.... my monitor was plugged into the wrong port on my graphics card..... fail.... I"M SOOOO PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW!!!!
However this still doesn't explain why I had the Vista bootup screen...
Did you upgrade from vista to w7? And did it still go to windows 7 after selecting vista? I had the same "problem" when I did the upgrade route. A clean install on a clean drive fixed it (ofc). It still functioned the same as w7, the pc just detected traces of the old OS I guess.

I'm glad you figured it out! xD
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