Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Birthday Party's(_)_)====D
I have seen this idea before and decide to use it. Post your birthday and get a good present. Im really poor so i cant give a whole lot but every one should try and give that person a nice gift. Also if
you would like a specific item then put that up too (nothing like The whole store, or demon left foot) just simple stuff like a gradient, torso, blood color, etc...
Also ppl can chip in to get the person 1 big item.


1st - YEAR!
3rd - Rafufu

11th -Madgecko11



11th-alien0 dragon force would b good but if not that TC will be fine



23rd - Carrick - is a FAG!
18th - Murmayder Gimme free stuffs! Anything will do!!

23th-Tbasher buy me some shtuff pwease..

8,9th - Basher515
9th - Chub - anything? :O
10th Owned674 - Is Back
4th - Ramenlover <---surpirise me.(force and lax are usfull for me tc is always nice.)
27th - LucasGod - Got almust nuthing D:


25th - Santa Claus!
29th - Organ

ok now updated with colors galore if you were excluded from the list plz inform me and i will add you also plz include the gift you would like to have so that will be easly noticable

Another suggestion how about the b-day boy/girl (do we even have a girl in this clan?) gets to choose the mod no matter what it is and also the settings ( but no 1 dismemberment threshold or any thing like that). So then we have a birthday/dance party (if we invite a member of [unce] and he says his tag over and over then we don't even need a boom box) :P

Created by madgecko11 whos birthday is Feb 11th give him stuff :P
Last edited by Madgecko11; Feb 24, 2009 at 10:51 PM.
Now with 100% less angst
mine was january 20th and i really really need a head text my parents wont let me get any booster so i really have no chance of getting one without donations from you guys so any money donations would be GREATLY appreciated
Mine is Sep. 2. I really want a head texture. Can't use toriboosters, but I might have a head tex. by then though. Anyway, gecko, do you want anything else besides a head texture? Something that I can afford once my marine force sells? (if you want marine force I'll pm it to you for your b-day. =D )
[Triforce]SilentStrike –=:2nd dan Blackbelt:=–

Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
My old mac used to pick up radio when I touched the audio cable to my braces.

if nothing else just send the tc
But id also like Toxic stuff also expensive

Also if your b-day already happened im sorry but you'll have to wait
Now with 100% less angst
why? havent you ever heard of a late birthday present, and if anyone wants to give me a present you can't tell them they can't!
I know i cant tell them, but if you wait you savor the present more and if we let you, others might want a really late b day present like SilentStrike didn't get present his but i don't hear him complaining
Now with 100% less angst
mine was 2 weeks ago though... so that would be waiting an entire year and if they want a really late birthday present then fine
and i really don't care what silent strike does, but you are pissing me off