Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[s] Pimp Edition Pack
Pimp Edition Pack
Elf Blood, Elf force, Elf Relax, Pure force, PureRelax, Demon Emote and Pure Torso.

lol offer much more please guys gman owns the outher pack and no one can ever get it from him
[he has quit 4eva]

so basically it myte aswell be the last pimp pack

double the offers.
320k + 3 flames
The blue flame comes 2 of them one for left hand one for left one.
Blue flames value over 140k
Rain flame value over 89 - 90k
total of = 550k

I can forge the same flame for 76k just tryed

about the pack,if I open it,can I put the items after,back into the pack and sell it again ?