Christmas Lottery
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Dex's Events! Coming this July!
Well hey guys. In the month of July. I am to bring excitement in the air. There will be numerous events. In the mont of July I am aiming to get enough tc to host these events. Each event would be worth what I make them . There will be 4 events being held. One each Friday of every week in July! Well here are the events as following.

-July 7th
Replay Competition.
Each player must make there on individual replay. It can be based off of any mod. The rules of these events are: No hacking replays,no harmful comments to other people replays, be a good sport,etc. I hope to see some great replays and some epic ones as that. There is first place only in this comp. Prize is 20k
-July 14
Break dance Competition!
For this event you may have a partner to make one epic break dance replay! You may do this individually, it's your choice! Rules for this comp: Dont copy anyone elses work, or replays, be friendly to your partner if you have one, etc. I can't wait to see your groovy moves. The prize will be split into two if you have a partner, if you are individual you get the whole prize. The total amount of tc used for this event was 20k

-July 21
Air hockey!
In this event you will be going against someone in this clan in a intense hockey match! The champions will figt face to face. The winner of this event will be given 5k and <3 from dex.

-July 28
Poem for Dexy
Each of you must write me a Poem
The rules are no copying off of other poems you have seen.
And that's mostly the rules. Prizes are <3 From dex and 2k
The poem has to be atleast 3 sentences more if you like

Some extra rules:
1. No premade replays.
2. Your first entry must stay as is and not be changed
3. Have fun doing your replays.

So I want have to do this in the future. If you are going to do the break dance thing with a partner. Post your team name and your partner.
Breakdance Teams
Last edited by Sil; Jun 19, 2010 at 07:00 AM.
I'm back :)
Awesome Event!!!

I love you Dex!!! (Im not in love, Im showing how much I feel for him)
I know how to breakdance..
Ill surprise you Dex
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Well I'll see how you do in the competition when it gets here.
I'm back :)
Ill start making some now.
And how many replays can you post?
Unlimited replays?
The more the better?
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Dex do me a favor set a rule "No premade Replays" sry tori309 but if you make videos now for later the whole fun is out of the comp.
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]
Also. Rule added
The first replay you post that's it. If you try copying of someone elses replay, your out of the competition.
No premade replays
I'm back :)