Important invade...
So, it seems like stellar left to RWL to revive it. Infact, I'll be the man by his side. He offered me to lead with him and revive it so I'll be glad to be in a superawesomewtfthisiwlllbethegreatestallianceever! (Ikr)
And congrats to affei.
Point is, I'll be glad to be workin wit you.
P.S. the RWL revival thread is being made so look for it.
affei's Edit:
There are alot of questions now what happend and why Stellargod left the clan.
Ok i will tell you what happend.
Stellargod told me that he doesnt feels like a leader in legions because matt cares about all the stuff and managed all the stuff.
Stellargod got only a little bit too do in the clan .
As i got co_ldr he got nothing too do he was like a member.
So he came back from his great inactivity and we talked about clan and stuff and he told me that he would like to revive [Rwl] it was kinda the original Legions.
I told him that i got an idea we should Revive [Rwl] and he should be ldr of of the clan and he should search for a coldr or a second ldr to manage the whole thing and if everything works like we want than we will make a superlocked alliance whit legions and we will be the greatest family in toribash history.
From this moment on me and Tehcaek talked about everything and will will bring [Rwl] back on the road again.
Matt told that everything is fine and that my idea is awsome so we can start Please help where you can or if you are needed.
Last edited by affei; Jun 7, 2010 at 01:53 AM.