Original Post
I'm Looking for a Force which Combines with Acid Relax
Hey thats it... i just want a force that fits with Acid Relax

I have 82K right now... ( you may go up I guess i'll have more tcs soon )
platinum is like the only one i can think of but i remember someone had an amazing combo with avid relax but cant think of the color.
magnetite force?
it is 23k in Deal finder. only you this force cost 18k
it is cool magnetite force + acid relax) please see in torishop

vamp and supernova look good

demo idk if you got the Qi for it.

and dragon look good to.

use the torishop to view color combos on the ingame.
haha vamp is what i use... i look like a martini....

shamman and mysterio also works nicely.
Last edited by sirkill1; Jun 8, 2010 at 03:59 AM.